Featured Gatherings
at Open Hours
Included in your All-Day Pass, free for members
Want a little break, or maybe just a low-key moment to get social and creative? These gatherings happen every week so they’re always here for you!
These are included in your All-Day Pass (or member visit) to Open Hours, so they don’t require an extra ticket.
They’re completely optional, so if you’d prefer to continue doing your own thing while you’re here, that’s ok! The Art Library remains open during all Open Hours, even during our Featured Gatherings.
Featured Gatherings throughout the week
Cereal 4 Breakfast
We provide the cereal and oat milk! Come hang out and enjoy a nice social hour before working/creating together.
Hosted by Aubrey.
Lunch Break Puzzles
Bring your own lunch and gather around the table! We’ll chat and make a dent in a communal puzzle.
Hosted by Aubrey.
Writers’ Tea Party
For anyone who loves writing or wants to partake in a little moment of reflection with community. Around 45 minutes, with a mini meditation, writing prompts, and an opportunity to share/workshop any writing with others! Tea and cookies provided.
Hosted by Zoe.
Movie Night
Watch a movie together on our projector! Free popcorn! Our Art Library remains open or you can bring your own projects to multitask. Lights go off during the movie; task lights available. See which movie titles we’re showing next here.
Want to make a movie request? Let us know here!
Hosted by Andrea.
Game Night
Featured games each week that our host (or a volunteer) will lead. See the upcoming featured games here. You’re more than welcome to play any of our other available games, too, or bring your own. Games are not mandatory and the Art Library remains open.
Do you want to lead a game night? Do you want to make a game request? Do you have a game to donate? Let us know here!
Hosted by Zoe.
How to join
See which movies and games we’re featuring on our calendar.
Then, simply make a reservation or walk-in for Open Hours! Since these gatherings take place during Open Hours, you can come anytime that day and stick around for your desired gathering(s). See you soon!